• FOODA is an app designed to make cooking enjoyable for everyone even people who can’t memorize recipes well. FOODA users can search for the menu they want and get information, including recipes and ingredients needed for cooking. In addition, users can take a personalized and customizable memo on every recipes whenever they want. FOODA has not only delicious recipes, but also healthy recipes.

  • Problem
  • Users can easily find recipes that have information about what should they have to prepare something before cooking, but finding recipes that have specific ingredients is difficult. Also, there is no easy way to record customized recipes that users found while cooking.

  • Solution
  • The FOODA app has a filter function that selects beginner and intermediate levels for everyone who wants to cook to enjoy. The FOODA app provides users with detailed ingredients for every recipe. The user can leave additional notes in their preferred recipes, which can only be viewed by the parties. The FOODA app has a function to blind recipes that contain ingredients users don’t like.
  • To begin this process, I created a competitive analysis to compare different meal planning apps to check if deficiencies from the other apps are in the Fooda app. Through an user persona and storyboard, I identified the goal of our users and how they got to use the Fooda app.
  • Competitive Analysis
    User Task Flow
    Home & Menu
  • The process, which includes simple but important elements, allows users to easily reach the information they want. All users can always change their settings in the app.
  • Storyboard
    Mid-Fidelity Wireframe

  • Role: UX/UI Design
  • Tools: Adobe XD, Illustrator and Photoshop
  • Year: 2020